Basically Mandarin, based on the Beijing dialect and other dialects spoken in northern areas of China. Holds About 929 million speakers across world.
The de-facto official language of Japan. It holds around 128 million speakers.
Traditionally the most widely spoken language in Taiwan. It holds 23.6 million speakers across the world.
Official language of Hong Kong and Macau, also spoken in Guangdong province of China, belongs to Sino-Tibetan languages. Spoken by around 80 million native speakers.
It is native South Korean language is made up of its own alphabet. Spoken by almost 80 million people.
It is one of national language of the Philippines. It is standardized variety of Tagalog. It holds around 82 million total speakers.
It is official language in the Philippines. It is spoken by approximately 57.3 million people.
It is official and national language of Indonesia. It is a standardized variety of Malay. Approximately 300 million people speak Bahasa.
It is standardized from the Johore-Riau dialect of Malay. It is spoken by much of Malaysian population. Spoken by 290 million people across Maritime Southeast Asia.
It is Austroasiatic language originating from Vietnam where it is the national and official language. Spoken natively by over 70 million people.
It is a Sino-Tibetan language spoken in Myanmar, where it is an official language. It holds around 33 million natives’ speakers.
It is a Tai language of the Kra-Dai language family spoken by the Central Thai people and a vast majority of Thai Chinese. It is the sole official language of Thailand. Spoken by over 70 million speakers.
It is sometimes referred to as Laotian, is a Kra-Dai language of the Lao people. It has about 30 million native speakers.
It is official and national language of Cambodia. Khmer has been influenced considerably by Sanskrit and Pali. It has approximately 18 million native speakers.
It is the third most spoken language after Chinese and Spanish. Speaker of English are known as Anglophones. Almost 500 million speaks English.
Also called Romance Language. With 300 million speakers, French is the world’s fifth most spoken language.
It is most widely spoken and official or co-official language in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein etc. Spoken by approximately 120 million people.
It is an official language of 20 countries. It is the world’s second most spoken native language. Approximately 592 million people speak Spanish.
Official Language of Italy, Switzerland, San Marino and Vatican City. It holds about 67 million native speakers.
Approximately 279 million speakers around the world. The Portugal is its origin country.
National Language of India, but it is one oof several languages spoken in different parts of sub-continent. Approximately 322 million people speak Hindi.
Predominantly spoken by Marathi people in the Strate of Maharashtra. It is the official language of Maharashtra. Approximately 73 million people speak Marathi.
It is an Indo-Aryan language spoken by around 7 million Kashmiris of the Kashmir in India.
Spoken chiefly in South Asia. It is the national language of Pakistan, where it is also an official language alongside English. Spoken as first language by nearly 70 million people.
Spoken by Punjabi people in the Punjab region of Pakistan and India. It has approximately 113 million native speakers.
It is a 6th most widely spoken language in India by number of native speakers. Spoken by 55.5 million speakers which amounts to 4.5% of the total Indian population.
It is the official, national, and most widely spoken language of Bangladesh and second most widely spoken of the 22 scheduled languages of India with around 300 million native speakers.
Classical Dravidian language spoken predominately by the people of Karnataka in the southwestern region of India. It holds over 12.9 million speakers.
Official language of Tamil Nadu and union territories of Pondicherry and Andaman and Nicobar Island. It has around 77 million speakers.
It is one of the 22 scheduled languages of the India. Telugu is one of the 6 languages designated as classical language by Government of India.
Spoken in the Indian state of Kerala and Union Territories of Puducherry and Lakshadweep by Malayali people.
Sanskrit is the sacred language of Hinduism, the language of classical Hindu philosophy. It is designated as classical language by Government of India.
It is spoken as a first language by the Amhara’s, and also serves as a lingua franca for other population residing in major cities of Ethiopia. It has around 30 million speakers.
It is a Semitic language spoken in large area including North Africa, Arabian Peninsula and Middle east. Spoken approximately by 360 million people.
It is an Indo-Aryan language spoken by around 7 million Kashmiris of the Kashmir in India.
Spoken by Hausa people of Chad, mainly within northern half of Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Benin etc. It has around 50 million native speakers.
Spoken by Punjabi people in the Punjab region of Pakistan and India. It has approximately 113 million native speakers.
Hebrew is spoken by some 5 million people mainly in Israel, where it is an official language along with Arabic. Spoken by around 2 million people.
It is official language of Nepal and one of the 22 scheduled languages in India. It has around 16 million native speakers.
It is one the two-official language of Sri Lanka. Approximately 17 million people speak Sinhalese.
Spoken by people of Lhasa, the capital of the Tibetan Autonomous Region of China, where it is also an official language. It has around 1.2 million native speakers.
It is the most widely spoken of the Turkey language, with around 80-90 million speakers. It is the national language of turkey and Northern Cyprus.
Ukrainian is the official language of the Republic of Ukraine. Approximately 47.5 million inhabitants speak Ukrainian as their first language.
The majority language of Uzbekistan speaks the Uzbek language. It has approximately 44 million native speakers.
Number speaks
- 新兴教育目的地
- 内容产业的需求在增加
- 中国和韩国公司愿意在印度投资
- 农业进出口关系正在加强
- 新加坡是许多跨国公司和投资银行(如瑞银)的总部枢纽
- 东方国际包括包括所有东南亚国家——中国、日本、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、越南、韩国、新加坡
- 中国在生产、贸易、投资、市场渗透、内容和旅游方面提供了大量机会
- 入境和出境旅游正在上升
- 全球化已克服文化障碍
- 在印度尼西亚,软件行业仍处于萌芽阶段
- 国际贸易和政策的副产品带来了机会
- 印度尼西亚和越南的新兴经济体带来了无数的贸易机会
- 中国和日本公司正在扩展其在泰国、菲律宾、越南等国的足迹
- 由于翻译、口译和本地化行业的快速发展,语言差距正在缩小,这促进并加强了双方的沟通
关于 Soham Kakade 先生
- Ewan Business Solutions 私人有限公司董事
Soham Kakade 先生精通中文和日语。他于2015年和2017年分别在中国北京语言文化大学完成了中文和日语专业的学业,并获得了中国政府全额奖学金。此外,他还曾在中国企业担任翻译工作,积累了宝贵的职业经验
回到印度后,Soham Kakade 先生开始为来自中国、印度、美国以及一些欧洲国家的50多家企业工作,担任语言专家。此外,他还曾为中国驻印度领事馆、印度中央政府以及马哈拉施特拉邦政府担任口译员。考虑到他在几乎所有领域的广泛经验,说他的未来前途无量并不为过